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Custom Astro Routing

This integration allows you to define custom routes for your Astro project independent of the file-system. Use whatever logic you want to define your routes.

Terminal window
npm i @inox-tools/custom-routing
import { customRouting } from '@inox-tools/custom-routing';
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
// Use Astro files outside of src/pages as the entrypoint
'/blog/[...slug]': './src/routes/blog.astro',
// Reuse the same entrypoint for more than one route for more precise control
// here defining that the route should be only on the tag index and with a single segment
tag: './src/routes/tags.astro',
'tag/[tag]': './src/routes/tags.astro',
// Publish common Astro files shared across projects as dependencies and use them here
compliance: '@company/legal-pages/compliance.astro',

Operating modes

There are two integrations available in this package, customRouting and strictCustomRouting. Both receive the same parameters and behave the same regarding your custom routes.

The strictCustomRouting ensures your project routing is strictly custom. When using it your project will fail to build in case any route is generated from the file-based routing of src/pages.

If you want to use both custom routing and file-based routing in the same project, use customRouting.


Custom Routing is available under the MIT license.